Success StoryKentucky Extension Master Gardener Program Virtual Training
Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program Virtual Training
Author: Richard Durham
Planning Unit: Horticulture
Major Program: Master Gardener
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, Master Gardener Training was different in 2020. Training usually occurs at the county or adjacent multi-county level, and 10-15 programs may conduct training in any given period (usually fall or spring). In 2020, I worked with several extension agents for horticulture/Master Gardener coordinators to plan a virtual training. Amy Aldenderfer, Harden County extension agent for horticulture, led this effort with significant contributions from Kristin Hildebrand, extension agent for horticulture in Warren County. The first training session occurred on September 25, 2020, and over 50 Master Gardener enrolled. Most access the training synchronously although some have opted to view recordings. A few labs (soils, plant propagation) are on hold until participants can meet face-to-face. The sessions last for 2.5 – 3 hours and include pre-session reading and homework assignments. The training concluded in February 2021 with a final exam administered by Qualtrics and tan evaluation. This virtual approach may provide options for future training. Agents my choose to participate in a centralized virtual training such as this one, use portions of this recorded training to supplement their local training or fill in when speakers are not available, or use recordings when participants need to make up a session due to absence. Regardless of how this new approach and resources are used, this venture into virtual training promises to make future trainings more efficient.
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