Success StoryVirtual GAP
Virtual GAP
Author: Chuck Flowers
Planning Unit: Carlisle County CES
Major Program: Tobacco
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Production, Gardening and Horticulture, and Local Food Systems
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
GAP or Good Agriculture Practices is a term used to help consumers know where and how their food is raised. Our tobacco growers also have to follow the same guidelines of GAP and attend trainings. With the Covid guidelines it was hard to have open meetings to cover GAP practices. But as things were getting better we took virtual and social distancing and we made it happen.
University of Kentucky tobacco specialist Dr. Andy Bailey and Dr. Bob Pierce, along with GAPC representative Amy Roches provided Tobacco GAP training for producers in a virtual platform. Carlisle producers attended in person with social distancing to watch the virtual training since internet is not that great in the county. This allowed tobacco producers to receive the required training.
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