Author: Travis Legleiter
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Integrated Pest Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The application of herbicide and fungicides for control of weeds and plant diseases can be very costly when incorrect applications lead to exponential cost, crop loss, and potential litigation if drift occurs. The appropriate calibration of a sprayer, nozzle selection, and maintenance of sprayers are all complicated procedures that can fluctuate depending on the product being applied and type of sprayer being used.
The 2020 Spray Update was held virtually on Facebook live in September of 2020. The update featured four videos highlighting herbicide and fungicide spray application technologies, nozzle selection, and tank mixing. Three video’s featured Dr. Travis Legleiter and a fourth featured Dr. Kiersten Wise. The event was attended virtually and later viewed on Facebook by a total of 289 individuals.
In September 2023, Brad Lee and I authored an article ( Read More