Success StoryMorgan ANR Program Delivers Essential Services In COVID Times
Morgan ANR Program Delivers Essential Services In COVID Times
Author: Sarah Fannin
Planning Unit: Wildcat County CES (demo only)
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented changes and challenges to our world and local community. The outbreak quickly reminded people that Agriculture is essential business and that Extension was needed to continue to provide crucial services, diagnoses and advice during this time, while keeping participants and staff safe.
In spite of the challenges, Morgan County ANR retooled traditional delivery methods and adopted new technology to meet needs of farmers and forestry professionals. From informational drop boxes with 24 hour access and grab ‘n go family kits to Zoom meetings, free conference calls, and Facebook live sessions, clientele were still able to receive assistance.
As a result of Extension’s efforts:
*125 farmers met the mandatory educational session requirement for CAIP grant reimbursements totaling over $300,000.00,
*14 sawmill operators, timber cutters and log haulers obtained state mandated in person Master Logger continuing education hours to keep their businesses open,
*8 tobacco farmers retained their Good Agricultural Practices accreditation,
*7 Farmers Market members safely sold their produce and accepted approximately $12,500 in Senior, WIC and Double Dollar vouchers,
*50 agent farm visits were completed – some with Extension specialists utilizing FaceTime, drone coverage and social distancing,
*Services continued with 125 Soil samples processed, 75 hay samples collected, 28 weed identifications made, 30 farm equipment checkouts completed, and newsletter signups almost doubled to 560 homes, plus
*2,000 informational packets and family Grab ‘n Go kits were distributed via Senior Commodities program, local church Food Pantry and drive thru events at the Extension center.
Clientele, farmers and business owners frequently expressed their appreciation for Extension’s efforts to remove barriers and enable services during these challenging times.
Stories by Sarah Fannin
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment