Success StoryWater Quality
Water Quality
Author: Matthew Futrell
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Plan of Work: Endorsing Environmental Stewardship and Promoting Green Living
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Water Quality should be one of the most important values held a in a community. In 2012 the Little River water Quality Consortium formed to address water quality in Christian County. Little River is the main body of water that flows through Christian County. Every couple of years the Division of Water scores streams all across the state. Prior to 2012 the Little River had been deemed a hazardous water source as it had elevated levels of E.coli and nutrients.
The LRWQC made it a priority to determine the source of the pollution and to find a way to remediate the waters of Christian County. After much research and partnerships with KY Geologic Survey and Third Rock Environmental Services, the LRWQC developed at watershed improvement plan and had it approved by the KY division of Water. The plan was to implement BMP’s for agricultural, industrial, and residential waters flowing into the South Fork of Little River Watershed.
Currently there is a Septic pump out and repair program that residents in the South Fork watershed can participate in. The program allows land owners to have their systems pumped out and cleaned for free. If it is determined that their system is leaking or in poor repair it may even be eligible for a replacement or repair up to $5,000.00. This program is a partnership between KY Division of Water, Hopkinsville Community Development Services and the Christian County Cooperative Extension Service.
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