Success Story2021 Biological Control Extension Agent Certification Program

2021 Biological Control Extension Agent Certification Program

Author: Jonathan Larson

Planning Unit: Entomology

Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial

Outcome: Initial Outcome

As part of Katie Grubb’s plan B master’s practicum, we produced a 5 part zoom based training focused on how to implement biological control successfully in high tunnel agriculture. This work was partially supported by a Kentucky Specialty Crop Block Grant.  Each of our 1-hour sessions had two speakers with 30 minute presentations. This allowed us to cooperate across disciplines with Dr. Rachel Rudolph (UK Horticulture) and two Extension agents, Kara Back (Taylor County) and Alexis Sheffield (Boyle County).

Our training did not feature the usual final field day, instead we asked each participant to team with h a local high tunnel grower to find and identify pests, release biological control agents, and assess success. At each stage we asked the agents to film themselves performing these tasks and drafting an economic effect and satisfaction statement from the grower. The final stages of this project are still occurring this growing season.  

Each of the 8 agents that completed the training will also receive “Certified Bio Control Agent in High Tunnels” certification to use as part of their career ladder, all of the PowerPoints from the class, with and without narration, for use as educational materials in the future, Digital “Pest Packets” about the main high tunnel pests. (each pest packet will have a video, infographic, ENTFact, and audio clip that focus on pest biology and biological control for use in programming) and pesticide applicator CEU’s. 

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