Success StoryPlant and Produce Directory
Plant and Produce Directory
Author: Kelly Jackson
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Plan of Work: Enhancing Production through Sustainable Agriculture and Marketing Strategies
Outcome: Initial Outcome
During the height of the COVID pandemic, Christian County saw an increase in produces sales and many people started growing their own vegetables. To help curate a listing of local businesses selling fresh produce and vegetable transplants, the Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Christian County Master Gardener Association to develop a Plant and Produce Directory. Master Gardeners divided the county into five sections and then spent time driving those areas to locate farms, greenhouses, and roadside stands and completing the information to be included in the directory. The response was much greater than anticipated with more than 50 businesses being included. A trifold brochure was developed and distributed around the county and because space was limited in the brochure, a website ( was also developed and has had 1,363 page views since April 2021. The directory has received much local media exposure and comments from the public have been very appreciative. The Master Gardeners plan to continue updating the directory annually.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment