Success StoryRapid pivot to provide soils information under Covid paradigm
Rapid pivot to provide soils information under Covid paradigm
Author: Joshua McGrath
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Soil testing
Outcome: Initial Outcome
When the implications of pandemic related precautions began to be fully realized I worked with other extension specialists to develop a curriculum for online soil and water conservation training (Amanda Gumbert). We sought financial support for improved AV recording technology in Lexington. Dean Stephenson stepped up and provided financial support to purchase the equipment. I was able to record over 15 videos prior to our field season picking up in March. I have used these videos for multiple county, state, and regional meetings. I plan to continue to expand my training video library and use this format to extend my impact beyond in-person and written extension activities. I have received numerous contacts by email and phone from individuals asking questions about soil management who found me through these videos. Just last week I was giving a talk at the Illinois Nutrient Reduction and Education Council field day hosted by SIU-Carbondale and a crop consultant introduced himself. He and I have corresponded multiple times over the past several months after he watched one of the training videos that I produced.
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