Success StorySubstance Use Prevention & Recovery
Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
Author: Rita Stewart
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Plan of Work: Health, Wellness & Safety 2020-24
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Substance use and substance use disorder (SUD) are pervasive public health problems in the United States, and specifically, in the state of Kentucky. In the year since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, the United States suffered a record 88,000 overdose deaths (CDC, 2021). More specifically, Kentucky counties have seen increases in hospitalizations, infectious diseases, non-fatal overdoses, and other complications related to drug use, all while leading the nation in incidence of Hepatitis C (KIPRC, 2020). In response to these growing problems in Kentucky, and in conjunction with the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) leader training system, local area Extension Agents convened an evening addiction education session for local communities. Collaborating among eight continuous Central Kentucky counties, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents convened community leaders and stakeholders to discuss the nature of the addiction crisis and to explore solutions. Local county prosecutor, treatment providers, and even individuals with lived experience joined a panel discussion to help participants better understand addiction, stigma, and available resources. 55 people participated; 27 completed the qualtrics evaluation. 100% of those completing the evaluation reported gaining awareness of the problems and impacts of substance abuse. 96% felt their understanding of substance use had improved as a result of this program. 93% intend to change their behavior to use de-stigmatized language.
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