Success Story4-H Camp 2021
4-H Camp 2021
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Planning Unit: Hopkins County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Improving Basic Lifeskills, Well-being, and Quality of Life
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
-H Camp is an asset to youth, teens, and adults around the world, but most importantly here in Hopkins County. During the time at 4-H Camp, youth learn the importance of team building, responsibility, decision making, make new friends and meet caring adults. According to American Camp Association, “more than 5,000 families from around the country participated. Results confirmed that camps build skills necessary to prepare campers to assume roles as successful adults. Parents, campers, and camp staff independently reported growth in areas such as self-confidence, independence, making friends, exploring and learning new activities, and spirituality. Indeed, camp provides growth experiences for youth that can benefit them through adulthood.”
The 2021 4-H Camping program may have looked slightly different this year, but Hopkins County 4-H still represented their county proudly even at half capacity. In attendance were 94 Campers (8-14 year olds), 3 Councilors in Training (15 year olds), 8 Teens (16-17 year olds), and 17 Adults (18 years old and above). There was a collective of 2,700 hours donated from out volunteers to ensure that 4-H Camp was able to take place. The youth were able to experience every class that 4-H Camp had to offer this year. The classes available this year was high ropes, swimming, canoeing, fishing, rifle, agriculture, nature, recreation, low ropes, and archery. It was a great experience for each to try a class that on any other year they would not have picked themselves, but for them to say that next year they want to take it again.
4-H Camp is another way for youth to enjoy physical activity in the great outdoors. They spend most of their day outside in the beautiful sunshine and get to meet new friends from all over the county. 4-H Camp also gives youth a sense of belonging with caring adults to ensure they are having a safe and wonderful time. In the 2021 year, over half of the campers were returning proving that 4-H Camp was a vital part of their summer in the past.
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