Author: Chuck Flowers
Planning Unit: Carlisle County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Production, Gardening and Horticulture, and Local Food Systems
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In order to stay in contact with clients the Ag and FCS agents decided to offer Garden to Go Packets. This allowed clients to come back in the office after being out so long due to Covid. In the packets they were provided ID-128 publication on gardening techniques, variety, disease and other practices for gardens. Clients were given Plate It Up recipes. Each packet contained Healthy Choices information, coloring and Healthy Eating for kid’s books, a gardening calendar, plus all types of information on peppers, green beans and other vegetables. A packet of radish and turnip seed was included. In addition to all that each client got a JetStar tomato plant, and the choice of a Banana or Bell pepper plant. We were able to give over 65 packets out to clients in all. All clients bragged on the packets and plants.
.Carlisle County has over 36,000 acres of soybeans and 28,000 acres of corn producing over 74 millio... Read More
On the average 76 % of all the land in the four river counties is in crop production. Three of the f... Read More
.Carlisle County has over 36,000 acres of soybeans and 28,000 acres of corn producing over 74 millio... Read More
The mission of the Governors Office of Early Childhood is to provide leadership and direction for th... Read More