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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Success StorySeeing is Believing: Improving Grazing Management with Summer Forage Tours

Seeing is Believing: Improving Grazing Management with Summer Forage Tours

Author: Christopher Teutsch

Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences

Major Program: Forages

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Seeing is Believing: Improving Grazing Management with Summer Forage Tours 

Chris Teutsch, Jimmy Henning, and Ray Smith, University of Kentucky 

Farmers tend to be experiential learners, seeing, touching, and doing enhances their understanding, retention, and adoption of improved grazing management practices.  For this reason, we initiated the Western Kentucky Summer Forage Tour series. Since its inception in 2018, we have held tours in Ballard, Ohio, and Calloway counties.   These tours have features farms in various stages of their grazing journey.  In 2018, we featured a grass finished beef operation in Ballard County that has been grazing with minimal commercial inputs for more than three decades.  In 2019, the summer tour featured a brand-new farm that was just getting started.  In 2020, an integrated forage, livestock, and tobacco farm in Calloway County was featured.   At each location the UK Forages Extension and Master Grazer program worked with local agents to organize the tour and establish demonstrations.  The demonstrations have included traditional and novel summer annual forages, weed control, fencing, and grazing management.  More than 450 producers from Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Arkansas, and Colorado have attended these programs.  

Stories by Christopher Teutsch

Responding to Escalating Fertilizer Prices

about 2 years ago by Christopher Teutsch

Responding to Escalating Fertilizer PricesChris Teutsch, Jimmy Henning, Ray Smith, and John Grove, U... Read More

Expanding the Impact of UK Forage Extension!

about 2 years ago by Christopher Teutsch

Expanding the Impact of the UK Forage Extension!Chris Teutsch, Jimmy Henning, and Ray Smith, Univers... Read More

Stories by Plant and Soil Sciences

UKY Specialists Create Online Forages Training for Small Ruminant Producers

UKY Specialists Create Online Forages Training for Small Ruminant Producers

about 2 years ago by Jimmy Henning

Specialists involved: Jimmy Henning, Ray Smith, Chris TeutschSheep and goats comprise a small but gr... Read More

Conferences on Grazing and Alfalfa meet producer needs

Conferences on Grazing and Alfalfa meet producer needs

about 2 years ago by Jimmy Henning

Specialists involved: Jimmy Henning, Ray Smith, Chris TeutschProducer leadership of the Kentucky For... Read More