Success Story4-H Shooting Sports Spring Coaches Certification Workshops
4-H Shooting Sports Spring Coaches Certification Workshops
Author: Ashley Marcum
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Natural Resources
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With over 1,900 youth enrolled, and more than 850 certified volunteer leaders, shooting sports is one of the largest 4-H programs in the state of Kentucky. Taking the slogan “learn by doing” to heart, the KY 4-H Shooting Sports program is built around hands on learning experiences. Under the guidance of certified instructors, youth have the chance to practice firearm safety and marksmanship in a variety of disciplines including archery, rifle, black powder, shotgun, pistol, and hunting & outdoor skills.
Without the hard work and dedication of both adult and teen coaches county 4-H shooting sports programs would not be able to happen. These volunteers must go through 12 hours of training and are required to obtain 2 hours of continuing education each year to remain certified instructors. Each year the KY 4-H Shooting Sports program certifies over 200 individuals in all disciplines so that they can go back to their home counties and teach.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March of 2020 our 4-H programming came to a standstill for several months, including our ability to certify county coached. This had a significant impact on county shooting sports programs. Many clubs were forced to suspend programming for a substantial amount of time and when practices could start back up again many counties did not have the certified leaders required to run their programs.
In response to the need for certified instructors, and with Covid-19 guidance in mind, the KY 4-H Shooting Sports program decided to reformat its coaches certification workshop from a single 3-day, 2-night weekend and instead offered 3 one-day hybrid in-person and online certification workshops across the state in May and June of 2021. The focus of these workshops was to provide an opportunity for new and returning volunteers to gain training and resources necessary to conduct successful and safe 4-H shooting sports club activities and provide them with a sound foundation in positive youth development.
Over 120 individuals attended the workshops, including 26 4-H teens. Of the 120 participants, 85 of them were first time attendees receiving their first discipline certification. Participants took part in both classroom and hands-on range work specific to their chosen discipline. Quotes shared by participants during the workshops:
- “I’m excited to get back to my county and share all of the new information I have learned!”
- “I’m so glad we were able to have a workshop, even if it was different from ones I have attended in the past.”
- “I learned so much about 4-H and youth development I didn’t know before.”
- “I can’t wait to come back and get certified in another discipline so our county program can continue to grow!”
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