Success Story4-H Farming Program
4-H Farming Program
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Agriculture Production, Marketing and Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a common topic of discussion was the fear of food shortages. This became reality throughout the U.S. and other countries as well, which sparked an interest in farming for many families. Educating youth from an early age is imperative as retirement is on the horizon for many famers across the nation. According to Kentucky by the Numbers, there are 233 farms in Clay County and 14.8% of principal produces are under the age of thirty-five. This challenge created opportunities for youth to become more involved in agriculture through local 4-H programs.
To boost interest in agriculture, the Clay County 4-H program implemented a positive learning experience through non-formal education for the entire family with the help of local farmers. Ten youth with their families attended a 4-H farm event. The program was led by two farmers that engaged youth in several hands-on learning opportunities throughout the day. The program began with a farm safety introduction informing 4-Hers potential hazards in day-to-day farming and how to reduce the possibility of injury. Participants learned about the history of the family farm, how farming contributes to society, and toured greenhouses and other areas on the farm. Concluding the program, youth planted green beans and took home herbs and vegetables to plant at their home.
Participants reported:
100% reported learning a new skill by participating in the program
100% reported having a better understanding about farm safety
90% reported having more of an interest in farming/gardening after participating in the program
90% reported having a better understanding of how farming contributes to our society
When asked, “What new skill(s) did you learn by participating at the event?” Participants reported:
“Trimming tomato pants.”
“How to dig up potatoes.”
“Hybrid vs heirloom.’’
“I learned that vegetables start from a small seed that’s placed in the dirt, and they need water and sun to grow.”
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment