Success StoryAllen County Youth Accomplishments Shine at State Teen Conference
Allen County Youth Accomplishments Shine at State Teen Conference
Author: Anna Meador
Planning Unit: Allen County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Building Strong Families through Life Skill Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down programming in March 2020 youth, families, and communities experienced long-term isolation and alteration of their typical lives related to in and out of school activities. Youth out-of-school time programs, such as 4-H, are essential ecological assets and their disruption during the pandemic may have a major impact on youth’s developmental pathways (Ettekal & Aganas, 2020). For many youth COVID-19 will be the defining issue of their lives and affect them in ways that will mark the course of their life-long development (Bartlett & Virette, 2020).
As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that programs, communities, and families that are involved in the lives of youth make a diligent effort to restore and rebuild opportunities that provide experiences to develop interpersonal life-skills. The return of the State Teen Conference Program offered a special opportunity for Allen County Youth who met the senior-level and State Achievement requirements for attendance.
Of Kentucky’s 208 youth, Allen County took 5 senior 4-Her’s to the 2021 Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference. Allen County 4-H was very well represented for their state leadership and achievements. Three of these youth were recognized for receiving state level recognition for their Bronze (2) and Silver (1) Achievements. Another senior performed as part of their Performing Arts Troupe Leadership team responsibilities and received two state level 4-H scholarships. While another one of these participants competed for the opportunity to receive one of the four coveted Emerald 4-H Honors Award, in which the opportunity to be selected to compete is an honor in itself. All five youth indicated that because of their positive experience with Teen Conference this year, they eagerly wait to attend workshop tracks and leadership classes at Teen Conference next year. These youth reported that it was important to attend the conference this year because:
- This experience allowed me to recover from lost time with my peers, this event reunited 4-Hers from across the state and opened new opportunities for those who missed out due to COVID-19.
- This was the first, large, in-person 4-H event since March 2020. This event was much needed to gain a sense of normalcy. This event gave us hope that we will be able to return to traditional 4-H events.
- I was excited to attend the conference this year because virtual experiences have been
- This conference has helped me make new friends and build on those genuine connections with 4-Hers from across the state.
- After hearing the word “cancelled” all too often seeing other 4-Hers and getting to interact with others was much needed, this event gave me hope.
Youth reported how they benefited from Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference:
- I got to meet people from across the state that love 4-H as much as I do, being with your people is important and that common ground is a great thing. I was excited to meet the people that I had only got to see on a computer screen or see their name in an email.
- By attending this conference I was able to see how my 4-H peers remained resilient through the pandemic and this served as a great inspiration for my future.
- This experience allowed my 4-H experience to come full circle in the projects I have competed and learned through over my 4-H career.
- I got to exercise my networking skills at Teen Conference by gaining new friendships.
- I think that I benefitted from Teen Conference in a lot of ways, completed service projects to help others, interacted with peers, learned to better manage my time, and experience competitive interviews for the Emerald award.
Allen County Teen Conference 2021 Participants and Agent
(Pictured left to right: Anna Meador, Daphnica wood, Ty Jones, Logan Graves, Kelly Jo Manion and Kierra Owens). Five of Allen Counties Youth, including Kierra Owens (pictured), were recognized for state level accomplishments for their Achievement, Scholarship and Leadership Teams.
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