Success StoryVirtual National Agriculture Week
Virtual National Agriculture Week
Author: Linda McClanahan
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Dairy
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Mercer County Extension Office partnered with the Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation to celebrate Kentucky Agriculture Week and National Agriculture Day. Each year, the American Farm Bureau Federation selects an accurate agriculture book of the year and typically this book gets read in elementary school classrooms. Due to COVID-19 restrictions volunteers could not enter the schools to read. So, we took the books to the students virtually. The extension office worked with county farm bureau board members, the ag agent and horticulture agent to record 7 videos reading accurate agriculture books including "Tales of a Dairy Godmother", the book of the year. The ag agent worked with the 4-H agent and 4-H program assistant to develop a dairy activity kit including an activity that students would be able to enter in the county fair floral hall. The ag agent and 4-H agent recorded a video explaining the kits and the activity. More than 60 kits were distributed. Collectively the 8 videos received over 1400 views.
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