Success StoryVirtual Success in Horticulture Programming Using Kits and Zoom
Virtual Success in Horticulture Programming Using Kits and Zoom
Author: Bethany Wilson
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Health and Wellness-NEW
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With the nation at a standstill for most of 2020 and 2021, all in-person Extension programs were cancelled or postponed. To stay relevant, the Pulaski County Horticulture Agent developed 9 Grab N Go curbside pickup programs and continued to add to a YouTube channel.
Grab n Go programs included a fall Victory Garden kit (in collaboration with the SNAP-Ed assistant), Grow Mushrooms on Logs kits, Scary Plant kits (in collaboration with the 4-H agent), Cat Grass kits, Kokedama kits, youth DIY PVC Seedling Light Stand kits, Apple Grafting kits, Herb kits, and Tree Seedling distribution on Earth Day. Overall, 475 families were reached.
The Horticulture Agent also helped the Extension Master Gardeners reach about 120 families with their Salsa Kits and Seed and Sunflower giveaways.
With these grab n go type kits, about 20% of the participants were new to the Extension Horticulture program. These programs also seem to attract more minorities. COVID allowed Extension to design programs that more people can participate in. Programs like this need to be continued.
The Pulaski County Horticulture YouTube channel grew as well, has 55 subscribers and 15 new videos were added. Over the course of the year, 4485 views of videos were reported and almost 100 hours of watch time.
The Horticulture Agent was also a presenter for the Horticulture Wednesday Webinar series. This is a webinar series concocted by a Kentucky Horticulture Agent using Horticulture Agents and Specialists to present virtual learning opportunities. Two programs were presented, Non-Nuclear Weed Control and Gardening in Small Spaces. Eighty-seven and 134 participants took part, respectively, and been viewed on the YouTube channel 186 and 147 times, respectively. One hundred percent of both audiences indicated that they would use information they gained during the next year (over 50% in the next 3 months). Each program had several minority participants.
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