Success StoryFloyd County Family & Consumer Sciences Build Confidence in Elderly population through Arts Engagement
Floyd County Family & Consumer Sciences Build Confidence in Elderly population through Arts Engagement
Author: Andrea Slone
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Aging-General
Plan of Work: Health and Nutrition
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Prior to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the Floyd County Family and Consumer Science program went to a local elderly community, Highland Terrace for arts engagement. Highland Terrace in considered a “high rise” community. Only those 65 and older can live there. Extension has been a longtime partner with the community in health and wellness program, arts engagement, and agriculture. Studies suggest that elderly involved with arts engagement are generally healthier because the arts create health promotions and disease prevention (National Endowment For The Arts, 2006).
When COVID-19 happened in March of 2020 and Kentucky started placing policies and restrictions, the Floyd County Family & Consumer Science Program had to stop the arts engagement program with Highland Terrace. The Family & Consumer Science program offered to do grab and go kits for the residents, but the housing authority kindly declined for safety precautions.
In May of 2021, the Floyd County Family & Consumer Science Program was able to pick back up the program of arts engagement at Highland Terrace. The program has been held monthly and was one of the very first programs held at Highland Terrace from an outside partner. Each month the Family & Consumer Science Agent has offered various of crafts for the seniors to do. A total of 30 seniors have participated in the program so far. One resident stated that this program has done wonders for the residents. It has built back confidence in the community and has given the residents something to look forward to.
National Endowment For The Arts . (2006, April 30). The Creativity and Aging Study The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programs on Older Adults.
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