Success StoryElectronic Delivery Created for the Private Pesticide Applicators Program
Electronic Delivery Created for the Private Pesticide Applicators Program
Author: Anthony Tackett
Planning Unit: Bourbon County CES
Major Program: Chemical Management
Plan of Work: Management, Production & Marketing of Agriculture Products
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Everyday business processes had to be completely rethought during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even routine Extension programs had to be re-tooled to comply with all necessary University safety guidelines. One program that had to be extensively modified was the annual training program for the Private Pesticide Applicators certification series. This program is held in cooperation between the University of Kentucky, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and local County Extension Offices. In the past these certification trainings were always held in person. Due to social distancing and other safety restrictions, group in person trainings were not an option. However, local commercial producers whose cards were expiring or had expired still had to be trained and certified in order to receive a applicators license necessary for the purchase of restricted use chemicals. The Bourbon County Extension Office worked with other offices in creating an electronic delivery system for the certification program. This included reworking educational presentations, reformatting videos to better work in a streaming format, creating an electronic sign-up system, and coordinating with individuals to pick up pesticide applicator cards and materials after the training program. Local offices coordinated carefully with University Specialists and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture to ensure that all laws and regulations were followed in carrying out trainings. In total over 50 local producers were certified through the newly revised electronic delivery system. Additional producers who were unable to attend online trainings were scheduled for individual training sessions. This more comprehensive hybrid approach allowed all producers to take part in these mandated certification program. Producers were able to be certified in a timely manner which helped them avoid interruptions in their farming operations. This is just another example of the adaptations that were made to ensure that necessary Extension activities and functions carried on through challenging times in a safe and efficient manner.
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