Success StoryBuilding a Team
Building a Team
Author: Bob Coleman
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Equine
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Many have heard the phrase “many hands make light work”. This is certainly true in extension and having a team to work with you can not only lighten the load but provide direction for the extension programing developed to meet the needs of the clients being served. In the case of meeting the needs of horse owners across the state there is the Agent Working Group. This group started years ago but after the Extension Summit of 2018 it was felt that having a group of Agriculture and Natural Resource Agents would be a valuable team to direct Equine Extension Programing. The group is made up of agents from across the state who meet and discuss what programing ideas they see needed to provide information for the horse owners in their part of the state. A major result is the implementation of the first Friday ANR Agent Update on Horses. The topics have been determined by the working group and then organized by the Extension Horse Specialist. Very similar to what is done with other commodities that serve extension clients but designed to support ANR Agents working with horse owners in their counties.
Presentations are recorded for agents to use in the way that best serves the horse owners in their counties. The program has been an excellent way to open the avenue of communication between the state specialist and ANR agents.
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