Success Story4-H Teens Give Back to Their Community
4-H Teens Give Back to Their Community
Author: Laura Huffman
Planning Unit: Hart County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Developing Leadership and Volunteerism
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Hart County High School 4-H Teen Leadership Club focuses on leadership and community service projects throughout the year. The club formed a community service committee to look at the needs of our community. The committee reported that due to many citizens being out of work due to the pandemic the need for volunteers to support and help with the Abundance from the Hart Food Bank was greatly needed. Volunteers were needed to unload trucks of food and package food items for those in need to pick up from the food bank.
The Hart County 4-H Teen Leadership Club partnered with the Abundance from the Hart Food Bank to help unload and package food each month at the Munfordville Baptist Church. Over 40 4-H members throughout the year unload over 28,000 pounds of food each month to over 550 families in need of food. In December the club participated in a reverse advent calendar food drive. Student brought in a different food item each day to donate to the food bank.
This past year 4-H teens helped to distribute over 275,000 pounds of food to 524 families which is estimated to impact over 1600 individuals in Hart County. The 4-H Leadership Club continues to unload and distribute food each month. This project has helped to promote 4-H to the entire community and has created a partnership with other organizations and individuals that has opened doors to other opportunities for 4-H.
Not only has this 4-H community service project benefited less fortunate families but it has also benefited Hart County 4-H teen leaders. For many 4-H youth this is the first time they have experienced first-hand the large number of people in our community that truly need food. One teen responded by saying "I had no idea how many people in our community truly depend on this food to survive." This program has made many 4-H teens realize how blessed and fortunate they really are and how important it is to give back to your community.
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