Success StoryTourism Sees Strongest Overall Economic Impact Growth
Tourism Sees Strongest Overall Economic Impact Growth
Author: Judith Hetterman
Planning Unit: Owen County CES
Major Program: Economic Development
Plan of Work: Developing Local Tourism Potentials
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Owen County is blessed with a landscape that provides for beautiful scenery along with some recreational infrastrurture in place such as golf courses, resorts, hunt clubs and winery, and wildlife preserves. A number of artists and craftsmen call the county home.
Kentucky's tourism industry generated $14.5 billion in economic impact during 2016, up more than 5% from the previous year. Commissioner Kristen Branscum stated that tourism is "a vital economic driver" for the state.. The growth in 2016 is a great indicator of how well we are marketing Kentucky and the encouraging way visitors are responding.
During the past year tourism and travel industry employment has increased by 3.9% in Owen County due to additional lodging with bed and breakfasts, cottages and inns as well as hunt club, winery and golf courses, and development of agric-tourism.
Travel expenditures in Owen County was $6,804,133 which was a 36.80% increase this year, as reported by Kentucky Tourism. Owen County Tourism Commission collected $44,743. last year in transient tax. The seventh agricultural mural was completed this year illustrating the process of tobacco production. Small town festivals such as Mayberry Day and Sweet Owen Day as well as Christmas in Mayberry play added to the attractions.
Discovering Owen County;s fascinating heritage in agriculture, traditions and culture, world renowned outdoor adventures, cozy bed and breakfasts to countryside cottages and inns and small town festivals and events are attractions for tourists across the U.S.
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