Success StoryVirtual Fruit and Vegetable Grower's Workshops
Virtual Fruit and Vegetable Grower's Workshops
Author: Charles May
Planning Unit: Perry County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Home Gardening, Food Preservation, and Food Preparation
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
he annual Perry County Extension Service and Perry County Conservation District sponsored Fruit and Vegetable Grower’s workshop looked a little different this spring. Like most events this past year and a half, we had to go virtual. Actually, one positive note that the COVID pandemic left us is, we found out we could adapt and still effectively deliver programs to our clientele. This virtual format also made it possible to reach audiences we hadn’t reached by in-person workshops.
This made the ninth season that the workshops have been conducted. Even through the virtual format did not have the attendance level of the in-person ones, we still were able to reach large audience.
With the generous donation of Corn, two types of bean seed and mustard seed by the Perry County Conservation District to attendees, we were able to supply 350 households.
One of the biggest reasons that there is so much interest in these workshops is growing your own fruit and vegetables is an excellent way to help offset the home grocery bill. Families need all the help they can get in Perry County with a poor economy and a high unemployment rate.
With an average garden producing well over 300 pounds of vegetables this can add up to a savings on the grocery bill of over $500 annually. With our partner’s generous donation, there is a potential of $175,000 in new vegetable production.
Other benefits include, it promotes a healthier lifestyle which we need in eastern Kentucky, and the quality of produce you get plus introducing our next generation into gardening. Perry County has also been named a food desert and workshops such as this one makes healthy foods more available to Perry County residents.
These workshops included intensive training in vegetable production, fruit production and fruit & vegetable disease and insect management. The Perry County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources conducted grafting workshops to teach how to graft your own fruit trees which can save up to $18.00 per tree. More than 125 trees were grafted.
Producers who participated these workshops were also provided, free of charge, fruit trees. 230 fruit trees were given away. This represents a savings of $6000.
Questions ask to attendees during the workshops revealed 10% had never gardened or had very limited gardening experience but all planned to garden this season. 100% of the participants reported gaining knowledge from the workshops in insect and disease control and planned to apply what they learned. 75% planned to increase their orchards or vegetable gardens and sale some of their produce at local Farmer’s Market to increase family income.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment