Success StoryAdulting Program
Adulting Program
Author: Paula McCuiston
Planning Unit: Hickman County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Improve the stability, resiliency and capability of individuals through life skill development.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Adulting Program: Real-World Life Skills for Launching Adults in Hickman County
After seeing statistics of how poorly college students were prepared for the real world of, "Adulting," the Hickman County 4-H and FCS Programs decided to facilitate a two day workshop based on the Hardin County FCS model to begin to address the issue. The Hickman County KAPS Family Resource Center was a planning partner.
Topics like what is credit, professional etiquette, ten soft skills, communication skills, how to change a tire and check fluids, budgeting, manners and more were addressed. Basic soft skills and interview skills were also addressed.
The 2-day program was taught to 28 graduating seniors included a series of 10 sessions, some taught by the Family and Consumer Sciences agent and 4-H Agent and others taught by community volunteers. This program incorporated volunteers from a local bank, the auto parts store, the local Farm Bureau agent and was supported by Hickman County High School.
The participants received 12 hours of direct hands-on education. Twenty-eight seniors in high school participated in the Adulting series. The participants were days from graduating high school preparing to enter technical school, college, or the workforce. Participants were surveyed following the series. Statistically, significant mean increase in knowledge was reported on the knowledge areas measured: how to set a table, define soft skills, and identify elements of professionalism, banquet dining etiquette, elements of electronic communication. Additionally, 89 percent planned to use dining etiquette protocols to create positive impressions, 93 percent planned to utilize soft skills to contribute to a more efficient and productive workplace, 93 percent planned to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices, 82 percent felt capable of making a budget, 75 percent felt capable of making the simple home and vehicle maintenance.
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