Success StoryAdulting 101 Money Talks
Adulting 101 Money Talks
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Planning Unit: Administration - Cooperative Extension Service
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Securing Financial Stability, Estate Planning, Real Skills for Everyday Life
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Today’s young adults need to able to adapt to the challenges they face upon high school graduation and beyond. 2020 further complicated this transition into adulthood as many families were not equipped to handle the issues the COVID pandemic created. Joblessness, financial insecurity, and relationship conflicts created a crisis that many people never imagined they would endure. Concerns over the impact these problems will have on young adults generated a series on “Adulting 101”. The virtual classes were publicized through the Youth Service Center Coordinators in the Kenton County School District, students and their parents registered online through the extension office. The Family and Consumer Sciences Agent worked in collaboration with the Kentucky State University, Area Agent to teach a session on “Adulting 101- Money talks” to 20 participants.
The topics covered included money habits, basic budgeting, wants and needs, tracking expenses and spending, taking a financial inventory and goal setting. Each participant was asked to complete an online money habitude survey. The class consisting of parents and youth enlisted a lively discussion on topics such as wants and needs, goal setting, and spending.
The follow up surveys returned to date indicate that as a result of the program; 75% learned how to track their spending and why it is important. Continuing to network with the High Schools will provide further opportunities to assist these young people as they enter the adult world.
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