Success Story2021 Horticulture Webinar Series

2021 Horticulture Webinar Series

Author: Faye Kuosman

Planning Unit: Woodford County CES

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Plan of Work: Sustainable Agriculture

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In an effort to adapt to changes in program delivery brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Horticulture Agents in 4counties in Central 4 and Central 2 areas (Bourbon, Franklin, Harrison, and Woodford) collaborated to offer Horticulture Webinar Series. This month series hosted by agents provided educational classes related to horticulture. 529 participants attended the 18 webinars. The use of webinars and other technologies has further increased our reach through sharing recordings through social media. 

All survey respondents indicated that they were extremely or somewhat satisfied with the entire program series.  On average,the participants reported a 61% in gained knowledge across all webinars and subjects. Specifically, participants noted a thelargest increase in knowledge from the webinar on Kentucky Bats (117%), Pawpaws (91%), and Organic Gardening (84%). This indicates a significant benefit to not only the county extension offices but also Kentucky residents.  The continued use of such technologies will provide further access for stakeholders to access to valuable horticultural knowledge.  

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