Success StoryKYSU Introduces American Paddlefish spawning to public community college.
KYSU Introduces American Paddlefish spawning to public community college.
Author: John Kelso
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Aquaculture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Kentucky State University aquaculture extension staff in collaboration with ASAP Fish Company provided unique experiences to students at Hocking College in Nelsonville, OH. Mature Paddlefish (3 females, 1 male) were collected from the Harold Benson Research farm and moved to the community college in southwest Ohio. Students observed the injection of a synthetic hormone to induce ovulation within female fish and to stimulate the release of milt. After 24 hrs., 212,000 paddlefish eggs were collected by manual stripping by the modified MIST technique developed at KYSU. Brood stock paddlefish were successfully preserved through this process to be used again in the future. Hocking College students and their advisors designed and constructed a small hatchery system for incubation of the eggs. In conclusion, the students plan to raise 120,000 paddlefish fry in their facility and were provided a great introductory aquaculture experience.
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