Success Story4-H Programs during Covid-19
4-H Programs during Covid-19
Author: Heather Coleman
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Youth Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
When Covid-19 struck Kentucky in March of 2020, schools closed, and our in-person programs came to a standstill. During this time Floyd County 4-H provided 4-H Activity Newsletter Packets and one time grab and go kits. From March to late August, we had 540 youth take activity packets, representing 274 families. In the fall we hoped things would start to go back to normal, unfortunately it did not. During the COVID-19 pandemic our 4-H programming has had to make significant adjustments to meet the needs of youth in our county. In order to do this the Floyd County 4-H Youth Development Agent began shifting programs to continue reach youth through social media, educational newsletter packets and virtual lessons with classes. A list was sent to the Family Resource Youth Service Directors each month to distribute to their teachers. The teachers would then pick the kits or virtual program they wanted to schedule. In each kit was a core content newsletter with the educational lessons and hands on activities. The kits focused on Family and Consumer Science, Health, STEM, Communications and Expressive Arts, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Each kit contained six educational hours of learning materials and supplies to complete one of the lessons in the newsletter. We also offered simpler kits that provided a lesson and the materials to complete the activity. We also offered school enrichment programs, where the teachers could let us join in their Google Classroom to teach a lesson and educational videos were sent to the teachers to use in their virtual classroom or in person once those began again. We had a total of 1,537 kits requested by our teachers and 1,200 participate in our virtual lessons or educational videos.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment