Success StoryFarm School for Women
Farm School for Women
Author: Tad Campbell
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Farm Management
Plan of Work: Home Horiculture
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Historically women have taken a lesser role in management decisions on the farm, however, more and more women are taking the lead in management for farm operations. The Buffalo Trace Counties have offered a Farm School for Women for the last eight years. The program consists of multi-sessions during the annual offering. Participants have taken part in sessions that include farm management, estate planning, machinery maintenance, crop production, weed management, horticulture, forage testing and several others. This year's participants focused on home horticulture, on-farm water management and food safety. The program for 2017 was a four session series that allowed participants to gain knowledge in water management, better home gardening, and food safety. Sixteen women took part in the four sessions. At the conclusion of the sessions a third of the women were interested in trying to utilize water management techniques on their farming operations. Over the years of the program many of the participants have remained true to the program each year. One attendee shared how much she enjoyed the topics each time and has implemented several items to her operation since attending the Farm School for Women.
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Stories by Entomology
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