Success StoryGrowing your garden starts on the inside
Growing your garden starts on the inside
Author: Chris Ammerman
Planning Unit: Grant County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Fixating the Focus on the Local Food Supply
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Consumer choice has shifted away from the grocery store shelves and many local farmers markets have become the target to provide safe, fresh, and nutritious food for communities across the state, and Grant County is experiencing this trend as well. The past 18 months have shifted many individual’s life choices to shift away from the current food supply. As a result an increase in the demand for locally grown fresh produce, meat, and eggs.
A community wide effort was planned to increase awareness of local food systems and increase youth education in horticulture, specifically vegetable gardening. Representatives from Grant County Cooperative Extension Service, Grant County Chamber of Commerce, Grant County and Williamstown Independent School Systems, Williamstown High School and Grant County High School FFA Programs, and Grant County Farmer’s Market supporters collaborated to develop and grow a community garden to provide those in need a showcase of local farm products.
Led by the FCS and Agriculture Agents a program to introduce windowsill gardening was born. A weekly series that offered 11 families some insights into growing fresh vegetables and herbs inside and around their homes. Participants received a grab and go back that include starter soil media, a variety of vegetable plant seeds, starter trays as well as herb transplants.
Following the program local volunteer leaders began working with 8 families assisting them in establishing windowsill gardens and raised beds to further utilize transplants grown. To date we have reports of harvest from participating families. Have of the attendees intend to adopt some type of food preservation to further enjoy spoils of their labor long after the end of the growing season. Two individuals developed indoor gardening kits and sold those at the local farmers market and have generated $2500 in revenue by selling herb transplants in to sit in the kitchen windows.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment