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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryCorn Teen Farm Field Day

Corn Teen Farm Field Day

Author: Chris Ammerman

Planning Unit: Grant County CES

Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy

Plan of Work: Fixating the Focus on the Local Food Supply

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Consumer choice has shifted away from the grocery store shelves and many local farmers markets have become the target to provide safe, fresh, and nutritious food for communities across the state, and Grant County is experiencing this trend as well. The past 18 months have shifted many individual’s life choices to shift away from the current food supply.  As a result an increase in the demand for locally grown fresh produce, meat, and eggs.    

The Grant County Farm Bureau Federation and the Grant County Extension Service partnered together to educate our friends and neighbors about the importance of dairy production in Grant County and the state of Kentucky.  A local farm has developed and delivered a wonderful agritourism presentation that explains the backgrounds behind organizations that make up the opposition to the industry.   

The 2020 Farm & Family Field Day was planned as a collaborative event in conjunction with the Grant County Agriculture Advisory Council, Grant County Soil Conservation District and the Grant County Farm Bureau Federation.  This event was focused on various aspects of animal agriculture with an emphasis on dairy production and the impacts that consumer decisions at the grocery store impact at the farm.  Further focus was placed on agritourism and understanding KY Proud and where to purchase KY Proud products to support local agriculture.  The audience was treated to a hay ride that had stops at areas on the farm to backdrop the area of emphasis. 

Attendance was limited due to the worldwide pandemic we did have 75 Grant County Farmers and their non-farm neighbors gather at Country Pumpkins in Dry Ridge.  The event was conducted from direction of the Northern Kentucky Health Department to ensure participant safety.     

Participants were given a survey to gauge learning from the field day returning surveys qualified for drawing of donated gift baskets.  All respondents indicated that they had a better understanding of their purchase decisions on farm families.  25% of respondents indicated that they had purchased KY Proud products prior to the field day.  95% of respondents indicated that they planned to purchase KY Proud products following the field day.  25% of respondents indicated that they no longer purchase 100% of their food needs from a grocery store or restaurant.   85% of respondents indicated that they intend to purchase products directly from local farmers.  55% of all respondents indicated that they only purchased food from major food retailers whereas 75% of those respondents indicated that they intended to purchase more local farm products.

Stories by Chris Ammerman

Ag Grow Crazy Day

about 4 months ago by Chris Ammerman

Less than 2% of the population in the United States is made up of farm and ranch families according ... Read More

Stories by Grant County CES

Growing Connections

Growing Connections

about 1 months ago by Asa Conkwright

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Improving Communication in the Grant County 4-H Program as a New 4-H Agent

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