Success Story4-H Art Project Day
4-H Art Project Day
Author: Madison McAlmond
Planning Unit: Nicholas County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Hearing the laughter of 4-H'ers and seeing their eyes light up as they learn a new skill is the very best part of being a 4-H Agent, and sadly it has been too long since we were able to gather in person for this to happen. I partnered with the Nicholas County Public Library to utilize their brand new meeting room in their new facility to be able to be socially distant and learn a new skill. Our Art Club leader taught water color and acrylic paintings. Six 4-H'ers learned and put their knowledge of the color wheel, landscape techniques, and blending to work. Their project will go on to be judged and then sent to the State Fair. While in a normal year this may not seem as large of a success, but after the hard year we've had finally being able to partner with other organizations, utilize volunteers, and seeing youth in person is a huge success and is important for us in rebuilding our programs.
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