Success Story4-H DIY Cookbook
4-H DIY Cookbook
Author: Lora Stewart
Planning Unit: Gallatin County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Nutrition Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Due to COVID restrictions, Gallatin County 4-H had to rethink one of our more popular day camps: cooking. The Gallatin County 4-H Council , got together and brainstormed new ideas and came up with the 4-H DIY Cookbook. The council decided on the cookbook concept after hearing what our youth had to say about the 4-H Cooking Camp in the Box. This was project that went throughout the school year. Thirty-two children came to the office once a month to pick up supplies and recipes to put in their book. There were several different sections in the book which included: kitchen safety, MyPlate recipes, video links, family recipes, nutrition information, and photographs. This cookbook is a "chronicle and treasury of the fin art of cooking, an art whose masterpieces - created only to be consumed - would otherwise be lost" (K. Rogers,Britannica). One of the benefits to the at-home program is the opportunity for parents and/or grandparents and children to bond over cooking. After completing the cookbook, 90% of the youth are continuing to cook at home - helping with the dinner meals or actually planning and implementing a meal for the family. There is one more step for the youth that participated - enter their cookbook into the Gallatin County Fair.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment