Success StoryWorking Toward a Brighter Tomorrow
Working Toward a Brighter Tomorrow
Author: Brad Stone
Planning Unit: Lewis County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Fast food and busy schedules have caused a problem with the health of children in Kentucky. Information obtained from the Data Resource Center for Child & Adolescent Health reveals that nearly 37% of children ages 10-17 are overweight or obese throughout the state. Equally concerning is that roughly 10% of children report no rigorous physical activity and only approximately 30% report activity each day. These frightening statistics pushed the Lewis County Nutrition Education Program Assistant to partner with the Lewis County School System to present the LEAP program to children, ages 5-7, in an effort to improve their health outlook and potentially avoid becoming part of these statistics.
In a series of six meetings, 41 students were presented information on nutrition, physical activity, how to select healthy snack options and how to be safe with their food all using the LEAP curriculum and books. Students were at times provided a raw whole fruit snack such as oranges or tangerines, kiwis or apples and at other times, played very fun – highly active – games to get them up and moving. As a result of the program, students showed a 71% improvement in identifying physical activity that would elevate their heart and breathing rates and help them become healthier. Also noteworthy is the fact that 63% of students were better able to identify healthy food options in their diet.
These changes, while nothing earth shattering, certainly give a glimmer of hope that this group of children will take steps to become healthier as they grow. This gives hope that they can enjoy a much brighter tomorrow by starting young and working on their overall health and wellbeing now.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment