Success StoryFarm to School Grant
Farm to School Grant
Author: Chelsey Anderson
Planning Unit: Cumberland County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In the fall of 2018, the agriculture and natural resources (ANR) agent in Cumberland County applied for the Kentucky Farm to School: Producer Engagement Grant (PEG) through the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. This grant was to assist producers and school staff with serving more local produce. The initial grant was for $7,000.00. The grant application was successful in getting funded and the grant period started in 2019. For the first part of the grant, the ANR agent worked with the high school agriculture teacher and had raised beds built for the elementary and middle schools. For the producers, crates to transport their produce in to the schools were purchased. Also, for both the elementary and middle school fruit trees were purchased and installed. In April of 2021, the project received an additional $3,625.00. With the additional funds and with what was left previously, three robot coupes (one for each school cafeteria) and two tower gardens for the elementary school were purchased. The robot coupes will make it easier and quicker for cafeteria staff to prepare fresh vegetables for the students and staff. The tower gardens will allow the elementary school teachers to teach through the winter while growing fresh produce for the cafeteria.
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