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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

Success StoryMaster Gardener Revitalization

Master Gardener Revitalization

Author: Andrea Stith

Planning Unit: Barren County CES

Major Program: Master Gardener

Plan of Work: Leadership & Volunteerism Development

Outcome: Initial Outcome

After meeting with a few of those involved in the pre-existing Barren County Extension Master Gardener groups leadership it was brought to light that they have been struggling to keep interest and maintain their hours requirements. The Extension Master Gardeners work with the County Extension agents to provide consumers with up-to-date, reliable knowledge so they can enjoy and protect the plantings around their homes. Master Gardening also has become a fun and useful volunteer activity that has given its participants a sense of community spirit, accomplishment, and intellectual stimulation. By working with the groups leadership and encouraging them to brainstorm and offering suggestions from previous experience, it was determined that the group would move from as needed or quarterly meetings to monthly meetings. The Extension Master Gardener program is coordinated by the county Horticulture agent and the agent works with specialist to continually educate their volunteers. With the monthly meetings there has been an educational presentation at each meeting. Some of these presentations have been given by the Barren County Extension Master Gardener volunteers others by guest experts in their respective fields. By the leadership making this small change the Barren County Master Gardener group has seen increase in member attendance and has developed structure for their groups continued growth. This initial impact is hopeful to lead to the long-term outcome of increased volunteer members and hours completed. Through this step the group has created committees such as the program planning committee, the member retention committee, the publicity committee, and they continue to grow their leadership. 

Stories by Andrea Stith

Tri-County High Tunnel Basics Field Day

about 6 years ago by Andrea Stith

Many people in Kentucky are learning about the seasonal high tunnel initiative grant program, throug... Read More

Tri-County Fruit Pruning Workshop

about 6 years ago by Andrea Stith

It was discovered during a Cooperative Extension Service program planning meeting, attended by the M... Read More

Stories by Barren County CES

4-H’s BIG Compliment!!!

about 6 years ago by Paula Tarry

4-H Member retention has always been a concern with many members joining early at the ages of 9 and ... Read More

4-H Volunteer Benefits

about 6 years ago by Paula Tarry

According to an article in the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteering provides... Read More

Stories by Master Gardener

Master Gardener Class

Master Gardener Class

about 6 years ago by Nicole Rhein

The 2016 Marshall County Master Gardener class was intended to refine and reshape the current Master... Read More

Junior Master Gardener/Learn Grow Eat Go! McCracken Couny Agents Pilot Program

Junior Master Gardener/Learn Grow Eat Go! McCracken Couny Agents Pilot Program

about 6 years ago by Kathryn Wimberley

Situation : In Kentucky, at least one out of every three adults (34.2%) and children (37.1%) are ove... Read More