Success StoryWorking with FCS Program Councils
Working with FCS Program Councils
Author: Amanda Dame
Planning Unit: Hopkins County CES
Major Program: Staff Development
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
At times Cooperative Extension Agents can struggle with developing ideas to engage program advisory councils throughout the year once the plan of work and/or needs are identified. Additionally, at times there can be issues with locating Extension supported materials to utilize with program advisory councils. Steps were taken to help address these issues for Family and Consumer Sciences Agents. The first action taken was the development of a compiled list of materials the UK Cooperative Extension Service provides for Extension Agents and the materials FCS Extension provides for Extension Agents. Furthermore, a survey was emailed to all FCS Extension Agents requesting a list of the most utilized resources agents use with program councils both provided by UK Extension and outside resources. Once this information had been collected a document was developed for FCS Extension Agents to utilize with all UK Cooperative Extension and additional resources. To create awareness of this new resource, a zoom meeting was help during the monthly FCS Agent update. During this meeting data that has been collected was shared with Agents, the newly developed resource was shared, and a panel of FCS Extension Agents shared program advisory council successes. After the meeting, the resource documents and resources provided by the agent panel was uploaded to the FCS Extension Agent Teams page for easier accessibility. The goal of this project is for county agents to have available resources/ideas to help developed leadership within their county advisory councils by conducting more frequent/impactful meetings. As more resources are made available the resource guide will be updated and share with FCS Extension Agents to assist with their continued work in their communities.
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