Success StoryFamily and Consumer Sciences Extension supportive network
Family and Consumer Sciences Extension supportive network
Author: Amanda Dame
Planning Unit: Hopkins County CES
Major Program: Staff Development
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service strives to provide practical education to communities across the commonwealth in the areas of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development. Unfortunately, there are times Extension Services across the state may have a vacancy within a community which leaves communities without an Extension Agent in one or more program areas. Steps were taken to help alleviate the absence of support in communities with a Family and Consumer Sciences Extension(FCS) Agent vacancies. The first step was to develop a list of counties across the state who have FCS vacancies along with at least one contact in each office. With this list, state programing and additional FCS content has been easily shared across the state. The second step implemented was the development of an FCS Counties with Vacancies Microsoft Teams page. The FCS Counties with Vacancies Teams page is a program that allows information to be shared quickly and efficiently throughout the state. The contact list of counties with vacancies were added to the FCS Counties with Vacancies Teams page which has allowed information, media, and questions to be asked in real time to increase support for counties. The third step to improve the support for counties with FCS vacancies was developing a newsletter template. The newsletter template provided statewide information promoting FCS Extension statewide programs, Kentucky Extension Homemaker News, and other timely educational information. With this template counties with FCS vacancies were able to add local information to the template and mail out to local clientele. Efforts to enhance support for counties across the state with FCS Agent vacancies will continue in the future.
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