Success StoryEffort is Everything
Effort is Everything
Author: Tyler Miller
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Agriculture Sustainability and Marketing 2020-24
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
In the last few weeks, i had the chance to work with a guy that i knew just a little bit from prior conversations. He had called and wanted me to come look at some grass he was having trouble with. Now, this guy was the type to give me a chance and that chance determined if he would ever use me again. So, i made it a point to really dig in and do all i could for this guy. I made multiple visits to the field with him, sent samples off, dug holes, researched the problem, and talked with specialist for him. Other representatives had looked at the problem also, but no real answer had surfaced. I was unable to track down what might have been the root of the cause but i knew i had done my job when he told me that "Well, I'll tell everybody you gave it your all." Sometimes we don’t have all the answers but, in this case,, it was effort that pleased this gentleman. I am still working with him on the topic and will look forward to working with him for many more years to come.
Stories by Tyler Miller
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