Success StoryFarmers’ Markets are Essential
Farmers’ Markets are Essential
Author: LaToya Drake
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Local Food System Development and Mapping
Plan of Work: Improving Nutrition of Limited Resource Kentuckians
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Farmers’ markets benefit producers, consumers, and communities. The Farmers’ Market Coalition explains that farmers’ markets preserve America’s rural livelihoods and farmland, stimulate local economies, increase access to fresh and nutritious foods, support healthy communities, and promote sustainability. During the COVID pandemic, with the disappearance of essential products from store shelves, local food sources were and are more important than ever.
To follow COVID-specific guidelines for farmers’ markets, the Bounty of the Barrens market moved from the Glasgow public square to the Barren County Extension Service parking lot for the 2020 summer season. The BotB market implemented required protocols, including a single entrance/exit, a handwashing station, and distance between vendors. The Family and Consumer Sciences Agent assisted with ensuring the market's smooth transition to the Extension location by setting up the handwashing station and social media management and marketing among other tasks.
To educate Barren County folks and others about seasonal produce availability and smart farmers’ market shopping tips, promote benefit redemption, and encourage increased foot traffic and sales, the FCS Agent created and shared social media content. “Facebook Live” videos and images were shared through social media channels. Live videos at the market appeared to be very popular, especially videos on shopping smart at your local farmers’ market and national dairy month; in total, these quick presentations received thousands of views.
The pandemic did not hinder the success of the Bounty of the Barrens Farmers’ Market. COVID-specific accommodations and marketing efforts proved to help encourage safe shopping and promote market traffic. Customers expressed satisfaction with the more level and accessible parking situation at the Extension office and many market vendors reported increased sales. Market vendors agreed to continue holding the market at the Extension Service parking lot during the 2021 summer season. In the wake of the coronavirus, we discovered that farmers’ markets are indeed essential.
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