Success StorySharing Meals: A Smarter Guide to Potlucks
Sharing Meals: A Smarter Guide to Potlucks
Author: Madison McAlmond
Planning Unit: Nicholas County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Plan of Work: Get Fit Nicholas County
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Teaching the pilot program “Sharing Meals: A Smarter Guide to Potlucks” during a global pandemic was not the easiest, but it is still so important. “According to the Centers for Disease Control, Kentucky ranks very poorly in health, falling in the top 10 in the nation for deaths due to diabetes, heart disease, and cancers. Food choices are an important factor in the management and prevention of these diseases.” Although we cannot currently gather for potlucks, per CDC and UK guidelines, there are still so many people that struggle with choosing healthy choices every day. This program highlights ways to recognize the healthier options and making sure you give yourself enough variety.
During the program 80% of participants recognized they tend to go for foods that look the most delicious and inviting. Changing up the presentation of your foods can make the healthier food choices even more eye catching. 100% of the participants agreed they would utilize the “How Does your Potluck Measure Up?” worksheet along with the “Smarter Potluck Signup” to make sure their future potlucks feature healthy options for everyone. 100% of the participants are ready to make smarter choices once we can gather for potlucks once again.
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