Author: Anna Morgan
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Plan of Work: Educating the community on issues that lead to a better Fulton County.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In 2019 the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service published county and state specific community needs assessment reports that identified substance abuse as a top priority for families across the state. To increase awareness and create an environment to support recovery, the Fulton County FCS agent hosted the Addiction 101 program. The program discussed basic understanding of addiction, distinguished facts and myth surrounding addiction, identified major risk factors, develop an understanding of addiction as a chronic disease and understanding stigma and how it relates to addiction. When face-to-face social interaction came to a screeching halt in March 2020, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Family & Consumer Science agents turned to video technology to stay connected during COVID-19. Social media platforms became flooded with information to assist families with research-based information.
One hundred ninety-three people were reached via Facebook and YouTube with this program 92% reported that after the session that they had a basic understanding of addiction. 89% of the participants could distinguish between facts and myths surrounding addiction. 96% of those who participated said that they planned to help reduce the stigma related to addiction.
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