Success Story4-Babysitting Clinic
4-Babysitting Clinic
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Enhancing Personal Development through Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to a new American Red Cross poll, parents say that good babysitters are hard to find and they want to entrust their children to babysitters trained in first aid, CPR and childcare skills. The 4-H Babysitting for Fun and for Profit Curriculum is designed for youth who are interested in learning the responsibilities of babysitting and learning to be responsible babysitters.
Six students attended the 4-H Babysitting Clinic and received over eight hours of training. Students who participated first completed a pre-test, then learned the characteristics of a good babysitter, infant growth stages, appropriate play, discipline, and preventing and handling emergencies and the post-test.
With the assistance of the Four Rivers Academy, the Health Science teacher and some of her students brought dummies and taught students how to administer first aid if a child was choking or stopped breathing. This hands on approach approved effective because the students received hands on learning. Baby dolls were brought and set up in stations so each student learned how to feed, diaper, clothe, and hold a newborn. Toys were brought to class and students had to decide which toy was appropriate for what age child. They also learned how to get viable information from parents in case of an emergency.
Results from the pre and post test showed that students had gained knowledge because their scores had improved with only one student missing a question and all others getting all the answers correct on the post test. When asked what they learned, 88% said they would feel comfortable administering first aid in the event of an accident. 98% of students said, they learned that each child is different and they can’t eat the same foods or play with the same toys. 100% of students said, they would recommend this class for all kids.
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