Success StoryBeef Newsletter
Beef Newsletter
Author: Christan Miracle
Planning Unit: Marion County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Improving Profitability and Sustainability of Livestock and Crop Production
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The cattle industry plays a large role in the Agriculture industry of Marion County. Most farmers are associated with cattle in some way shape or form. According to the 2017 U.S. Agriculture Census Marion County ranks 9th in the state for cattle numbers. The county attribute over 24.5 million dollars worth of revenue from cattle/calf sales. As of Dec. 31, 2017 the county had 47,720 head of cattle/calves in inventory.
The Marion County Cattlemen Association currently has over 240 members. The Marion Co. Cattlemen Association group typically meets once a month, with a guest speaker each month. Topics covered include marketing, breeding, genetics, and pasture maintenance just to name a few.
Due to Covid-19 the Marion Co. Cattlemen Association has been unable to meet due to the large amount of members. The members have had access to educational webinars to view at their leisure.
Beginning in January of 2021, I have started sending out a copy of the “Off the Hoof” newsletter that is published by the UK Beef IRM Team monthly. This newsletter contains articles on numerous topics pertaining to beef production. The authors of the articles on some of the same speakers the members would be hearing if they were attending an in-person Marion Co. Cattlemen Meeting. Sending this newsletter also allows for the opportunity to send any updates that are necessary from myself or the office in general.
Since I have started sending the newsletter I have received positive comments from producers about receiving the newsletter. They enjoying reading the articles and having the contact from the office.
Currently the newsletter is being send to 170 households in the county and reaching approximately 240 members. I plan to continue sending the newsletter to members even after meetings resume to keep in contact with those unable to attend regular monthly meetings.
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