Success StoryIncreasing Horticultural Operations
Increasing Horticultural Operations
Author: Keith Hackworth
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Plan of Work: Agricultural Education and Production
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Directed by our leadership, Extension has been involved with local farmers to assist them with new enterprise development. The local agriculture leaders suggested that some efforts be directed at improvements in horticultural production. Several educational programs were offered to those interested in high tunnel, greenhouse, and bedding plant production. Assistance from Extension Specialists and other agents were utilized in these endeavors. Because of these efforts, we now have four commercial greenhouse operations and many small scale/farm-use structures in the county. Third of which are producing hanging baskets, vegetable, landscape, and bedding plants for retail sale to the public. The last is being used as part of a landscaping business to store and maintain plants prior to sale and placing at local homes and businesses. In addition, the county has six producers with high tunnels. Most are using them to extend their growing season. These producers were provided with educational and technical information as related to the production of various bedding, vegetable, and landscape plants. Other topics of information provided were marketing, insect, weed, and growth control. Three of the producers reported that they had spring sales more than $18,000 last year. One advised that they are planning to increase their production and may construction additional structures soon. Five of the small-scale operations reported sales near $6,000. All advised that their operations had been profitable and thanked Extension for making it possible. Because of these successes, other producers are more open to learning about possible enterprises in horticultural production.
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