Success StoryEducating and Empowering Animal Science Volunteer Leaders
Educating and Empowering Animal Science Volunteer Leaders
Author: Mary S Averbeck
Planning Unit: Kenton County CES
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Plan of Work: Adult Leadership Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The goal of Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development is to provide in-depth, accurate educational activities for participants. 4-H livestock, horse and dog project leaders serve as primary educators. While they desire to provide quality experiences for their 4-H members, they may lack the necessary resources to meet this goal. The Kentucky 4-H Livestock, Horse and Dog Volunteer Certification Program is a collaboration of equine and livestock specialists from the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, as well as specialists and agents from 4-H Youth Development. Members of the teaching team typically engage volunteers in a day long hands-on educational workshop and certification program. Due to the pandemic the lessons were presented in a virtual format. Participants were still instructed how to use the curriculum and teaching resource kit covering important topics in beef, dairy, sheep, swine and goats, dog or horse topics. All 4-H members in dog, livestock and horse programs complete six hours of education from the Kentucky 4-H Dog, Livestock or Horse Curriculum under the guidance of these certified leaders. Fifty-seven volunteers completed the on-line version of the workshop during the Winter of 2020-2021. The evaluations of the on-line format were overwhelmingly positive. One volunteer summed it up by saying “I liked that it was online, and I could work at my own pace. I also like that all the materials are on the flash drive. The workshop made me excited about lesson planning and gave me a lot of new ideas!” So far 1,749 leaders have completed the certification process either in the in-person or virtual format.
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