Success StoryEnvironmental Stewardship Projects Build Community Leaders
Environmental Stewardship Projects Build Community Leaders
Author: DJ Scully
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization
Plan of Work: Environmental Management - Environmental Awareness, Education, and Action
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Kentucky Community Assessment completed in 2019 indicates that citizens desire more qualified leaders to prepare the community for the future. Across the commonwealth, this was the 2nd highest rated issue overall.
The Environmental Stewardship Grant program created by the Campbell County Extension Agent for Natural Resources and Environmental Management and funded by the Campbell County Extension District Board provides resources for cities, schools, and other community organizations to implement projects that improve the environment and increase community engagement and health. Since 2017, the Campbell County Extension District Board has funded 50 grant projects totaling a $50,000 investment in the county. The Agent provides technical assistance, educational information, and reporting requirements.
A few projects were completed in the fall of 2020 and show community leaders’ dedication through the pandemic. ReNewport and the Westside Citizens Coalition of Newport, KY had 9 volunteers to assist with the project which is lower than usual. Due to COVID-19, they purposely ensured a smaller group this time so they could keep it as safe as possible. Josh Tunning, the organizing member of the ReNewport citizens group, provided this testimonial, “Thank you so much again for supporting the neighborhood as we continue to build and expand our urban tree canopy, we truly couldn't do it without you! Can you believe in the past few years we have planted nearly 400 trees in the neighborhood? Here's to 400 more!” The Agent works with this group to ensure the proper selection, location, installation, and care of street trees in the city which has dramatically increase the canopy cover improving air quality, decreasing stormwater runoff, and reducing urban heat island effect.
A Highlands High School (Fort Thomas, KY) student who is a U.S. Department of State Youth Ambassador implemented her “Follow on Project” that is intended to make a positive change within the community. Her passion led her to lead an environmental sustainability and activism project in partnership with the High School and Extension Service to improve an abandoned, yet previously vibrant learning space called Crawford Nature Preserve. Lack of vegetation diversity and personal connection with the environment were the focus. She created a project to promote conservation and student education. Invasive, non-native species were identified by the Extension Agent and removed by a team of parent, student, and community volunteers. Now there are clearings for learning areas. Native trees which will more ecosystem benefits were researched and planted. The Youth Ambassador recruited 12 additional student volunteers for the planting day in which the Agent provided tree planting demonstrations and information on the species she selected. Additional projects are on-going throughout the community and will be complete by the beginning of summer.
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