Success StoryExtension partners with Capital City Activity Center
Extension partners with Capital City Activity Center
Author: Krista Perry
Planning Unit: Henry County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Capital City Activity Senior Center in Frankfort provides daily meals and resources to hundreds of senior citizens, 60 years old and above throughout Franklin County. In March of 2020, the senior center closed their building due to the COVID-19 pandemic, causing the Director to scramble in finding enough people to deliver meals and resources to the hundreds of senior citizens who utilized the center. Therefore, the Franklin County Extension Agents stepped in to help!
For the last year, the Franklin County Extension Agents have delivered meals two to three days a week to assist in the need of meal drivers. There have been over 1000 meals prepared and delivered from the Capital City Activity Center since March of 2020. Each month, a Franklin County Extension Service information flyer is included in the Senior Center newsletter that is delivered with the meals, which has been an excellent way to introduce the various resources and programs our office provides.
The Capital City Activity Center has seen a substantial increase of senior citizens needing meals delivered since they had to close their building. This need has been essential in our community and the collaboration with the center has been remarkable. Simply delivering meals and resources to the senior citizens has been a great experience as many are alone with no family, except for those they consider family at the senior center. The smiles and simple, thank you from the senior citizens each week is enough to make a not so good day, great and remind the agents how important community engagement is.
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