Success StoryGreat Pumpkin Pursuit
Great Pumpkin Pursuit
Author: Andy Mills
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Agritourism Planning
Plan of Work: Community Forums, Built Environments, Great Pumpkin Pursuit
Outcome: Initial Outcome
For the fifth year in a row this ANR agent has collaborated with the KY Giant Pumpkin Grower's Association, Meade County Tourism Board, Meade County FFA, and a local Agritourism farm to plan and implement a national weigh-off for a giant vegetables especially pumpkins and watermelons. People attended the event from seven different states, NY, KY, IN, AL, WV, TN, and PA. It is estimated that this event generates nearly $10,000 for our community. Spectators are given the chance to learn about growing vegetables through questions and answers available from growers. Educational posters on pollination and plant anatomy are on display to help spectators understand some of the growing and management process.
Due to Covid-19 regulations, the committee had to reorganize the event to limit public access. With this reorganization vegetables were weighed over a six-hour period. Two hundred and fifty people were still able to view some of the event at different parts of the day. This year’s event took less volunteers, nine, but still needed nearly 100 volunteer hors leading up to and during the event for it to be successful. Also, hundreds of dollars in equipment use were donated by local businesses. The Meade County event was once again the largest watermelon weigh offs in the world. This year there was a 75% increase in participants from Meade County.
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