Success Story'First Impressions' Program offers Fresh Perspective on Communities
'First Impressions' Program offers Fresh Perspective on Communities
Author: Vicki Wynn
Planning Unit: Marshall County CES
Major Program: First Impressions
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The ‘First Impressions’ program is a service offered through the University of Kentucky Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK). The program coordinates anonymous visits to communities by professionals in community and economic development, small business owners, and community leaders with the goal of offering suggestions and resources to address areas identified for potential improvement.
Visits to Marshall County were conducted by ten team members throughout summer and fall of 2019. Results were compiled and presented to the Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) agent in August 2020 so recommendations could be shared with local groups in the community. The finished assessment revealed three areas where future improvements would be beneficial.
Suggestions included: 1) identify a culture or artistic identity that is representative of the community and connect it to community engagement; 2) develop consistency standards for downtown that would convey a stronger identity and brand, and 3) address pedestrian and vehicle traffic in Benton.
The FCS agent began attending the Benton Partnership meetings related to infrastructure improvements, and shared the assessment with stakeholders. There was much interest in prioritizing recommendations and discussing improvements that could be accomplished short-term. A committee was formed, and fund-raising has begun to expand an arts district in the community; this in direct response to one of the recommendations.
CEDIK resources have been useful in facilitating meetings with local government and other community groups that have shown interest in responding to these efforts. As a result of her involvement, the FCS agent is now serving on the local Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and collaborating with groups utilizing CEDIK and other Extension resources.
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